السبت، يوليو 30، 2011

لمن يريد دعوة للتسجيل في قوقل بلس google+

Google  11111111

الحمد لله واصلي واسلم على رسول الله وعلى اله وصحبه ومن والاه
اليوم راح اقدم لزوار مدونة كيفي خدمة الدعوة الى قوقل بلس Google+ لمن اراد

برنامج كيوكيو بلاير الصيني والمعرب QQ Player اسطورة برامج الميديا

 QQ Player 1111111

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد عليه افضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم

يغنيك عن جميع برامج المديا بما فيهم Windows Media Player  و real player 

برنامج كيوكيو بلاير الصيني QQ Player بعد تجربتي لهذا البرنامج فعلا استطيع ان اقول انه اسطورة بمعنى الكلمة في مجاله بل ان هذا البرنامج سوف يغنيك عن 4 برامج
الأربعاء، يوليو 27، 2011

حرب الصدارة بين شركة الاتصالات stc وبين شركة اتحاد اتصالات mobily

stc  vs  mobily

لا تزال الحرب مستمرة بين شركة stc وشركة موبايلي وقد امتد هذه المواجهة منذ 2004 وهو موعد انطلاق شركة موبايلي والتي حاولت بكل الطرق ان تحتل الصدارة في اللمملكة العربية السعودية الا انها لم تفلح برأي الى الان وقد امتدت حرب ضروس بينهما على كل الاصعدة والاتجاهات سواء من خلال تقديم الخدمات او من خلال

الثلاثاء، يوليو 26، 2011

انطلاق ارخص الاجهزة اللوحية خلال 36 يوم فقط


خلال 36 يوما فقط تستعد الشركة البريطانية اندي باد andy bad الى اطلاق عدد 2 من الاجهزة اللوحية بسعر سوف يكون مفاجأة كبيرة لسوق الاجهزة الذكية حيث ان
الأحد، يوليو 24، 2011

يا حمار خيمتنا انسرقت


ياحمار ، خيمتنا إنسرقت

واحد فيلسوف وواحد أمي
طلعوا رحله تخيمية فى الغابه
وبعد ما وصلوا الى مكان جميل...
أعدوا خيمتهم وتناولوا العشاء وتسامروا
ثم ذهبوا للخيمة للنوم

الخميس، يوليو 21، 2011

ترويض احد الثيران بديلا عن الحصان لقفز الحواجز


ترويض ثور  بديا عن الحصان

استطاعت رجينا  ماير ان تقوم بترويض ثور وتمرينه حتى تمكنت من ان تجعله يقوم يقفز الحواجز بشكل رائع كما لو كان حصانا اصيلا

والجدير بالذكر انا رجينا ماير قامت بترويض هذا الثور حين لم تستطع الحصول على حصان لتدخل به احدى مسابقات الخيول

الأحد، يوليو 17، 2011

مشروع Tulalip السري لشركة Microsoft

يبدو ايظا ان شركة ميكروسوفت لن تقف مكتوفة الايدي امام سباق المواقع الاجتماعية التي تخوضه كبرى الشركات العالمية حيث ظهر قبل عدة ايام قوقل بلس من شركة 
الجمعة، يوليو 15، 2011

باقة زين الدولية الافضل بدون منافس

باقة زين الدولية

وصف المنتج

ميز هذا العرض عميل الباقة الدولية من الفترة مابين 19-4-2011 لغاية اشعار اخر بالتالي:
  • دقائق مجانية داخل شبكة زين وصالحة لثلاثة أيام فقط عند الشحن تساوي 200% من قيمة الشحن، للشحن بفئة 20 ريال وأكثر.
  • 40 هللة فقط للمكالمات من زين الى زين
  • 55 هلله للمكالمات المحلية خارج شبكة "زين من زين الى مشغلين اخرين "
  • خصم على المكالمات الصوتية الدولية للـ 27 دولة الموضحة أدناه ولجميع أرقام الدولة "ليست محدده للارقام المفضلة فقط"
الأربعاء، يوليو 13، 2011

مقالة انجليزية للدكتور ميلر – القران المذهل

 The Amazing Quran


The Amazing Quran

By: Dr. Gary Miller
أقرأ القصــة كاملة ستجد فيها العجـب
التعريف بالكاتب:
الدكتور جاري ميلر (عبد الأحد عمر) عالمٌ في الرياضيات واللاهوت المسيحيِّ ومُبشِّرٌ سابق. يُبيِّن كيف أنَّه بإمكاننا تأسيس إيمانٍ صحيحٍ بوضع معايير للحقيقة. ويصوِّر طريقةً مُبسَّطةً وفعالةً لإيجاد الاتجاه الصحيح أثناء البحث عن الحقّ.
الثلاثاء، يوليو 12، 2011

شحن الجيل الجديد من الاجهزة المحمولة بواسطة نقرات الاصابع

شحن الجيل الجديد من الاجهزة المحمولة بواسطة نقرات الاصابع

اقترح علماء أستراليون من جامعة ميلبورن التكنولوجية استخدام أسلوب جديد لشحن الكمبيوترات الشخصية المحمولة الصغيرة "نوت بوك" والأجهزة الالكترونية الاخرى.
الأحد، يوليو 10، 2011

ما علاقة عصر السرعة بالغفلة التي نعيشها

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العالمين خالق السماء وفالق الحب والنوى ربي ورب كل شي له الحمد حتى يرضى وله الحمد فوق الرضى وله الحمد بعد الرضى وأما بعد .

لاحظت كيف ان الايام والليالي اصبحت تمر مرالسحاب فلا نكاد نشعر بوجود الايام ولا بطول الليالي، و نفاجئ  بتبخر الشهور والأسابيع دون ان نشعر بوجودها، وتنقضي السنوات ونحن في حيرة من امرنا كيف انقضت، وربما كان رأي انا لا يختلف عن كثيرين من امثالي وهو (اننا نعيش عصر السرعة )ومن اجل هذه النظرية اصبحنا شبه مستسلمين لها وللكثير من مثل هذه النظريات التي ما انزل الله بها من سلطان، وهي في الغالب من وسوسة الشيطان الذي يعرف من اين تؤكل الكتف ومن اي نقاط ضعف لدينا يمكنه افتراسنا ،والحقيقة نحن نعيش في غفلة كبيرة ربما تمتد وتمتد لدينا حتى توافي كل واحد منا منيته ونهايته، فيصيح حين لا ينفع الصياح ولا يفيد الندم (ربي ارجعني لعلي اعمل صالحا ) ولعلك اخي القارئ الان تحاول ان تربط بين علاقة عصر السرعة بالغفلة التي نعيشها، وهنا سوف اسرد لك تجربتي بكل شفافية .

السبت، يوليو 09، 2011

خبر الغاء Blogger and Picasa من قبل google




الخبر هذا اكيد مارح يعجب الكثير من المدونيين تعتزم قوقل خلال الايام القادمة  توحيد اغلب مواقعها التجارية تحت مسمى  قوقل حيث تنوي تحويل اسم مدونات البلوقر (Blogger) وصور البوم بيكاسا(Picasa) لتصبح مدونات قوقل والبوم صور قوقل ولم تبين قوقل ما اذا كانت تنوي تغيير الروابط  (النطاقات) الامر الذي يمكن ان يسبب ازعاجا كبيرا لمدونين البلوقر اتركم مع نص الخبر مع المصدر

Google intends to retire several non-Google name brands, such as Blogger and Picasa, in the next four to six weeks. The search giant plans to rename them as Google products, unifying the company's brand in time for the public launch of Google+, according to two sources familiar with the matter cited byMashable.

Blogger and Picasa aren't going away – they are two very popular Google products after all – instead, Google intends to rename them as Google Photos and Google Blogs, respectively. Several other Google brands will also be likely affected by the move, but it's not yet clear which ones.

YouTube will not, however, be rebranded. The technology giant shut down Google Videos, Google's answer to YouTube before it gave up and bought the video sharing service, in May 2010.

This rebranding effort from Google is hardly the first time we're seeing such a move. Google acquired JotSpot in October 2006 and rebranded it as Google Sites in February 2008. In July 2007, Google acquired VOIP platform GrandCentral and relaunched it as Google Voice in March 2009.

Blogger and Picasa were also Google acquisitions, although both companies have owned by Google for far longer. Blogger was acquired in February 2003 and is one of the top 10 most visited websites in the world. Picasa was acquired in July 2004.

The rebranding will likely upset some existing customers, but Google wants to do it anyway so that it can completely integrate both services into Google+. The company launched the social network as a field trial last month, with an obvious attempt to take on Facebook and Twitter

الخميس، يوليو 07، 2011

controversial time for British women to be wearing the hijab

It’s a controversial time for British women to be wearing the hijab, the basic Muslim headscarf. Last month, Belgium became the first European country to pass legislation to ban the burka (the most concealing of Islamic veils), calling it a “threat” to female dignity, while France looks poised to follow suit. In Italy earlier this month, a Muslim woman was fined €500 (£430) for wearing the Islamic veil outside a post office.
And yet, while less than 2 per cent of the population now attends a Church of England service every week, the number of female converts to Islam is on the rise. At the London Central Mosque in Regent’s Park, women account for roughly two thirds of the “New Muslims” who make their official declarations of faith there – and most of them are under the age of 30.
Conversion statistics are frustratingly patchy, but at the time of the 2001 Census, there were at least 30,000 British Muslim converts in the UK. According to Kevin Brice, of the Centre for Migration Policy Research, Swansea University, this number may now be closer to 50,000 – and the majority are women. “Basic analysis shows that increasing numbers of young, university-educated women in their twenties and thirties are converting to Islam,” confirms Brice.
“Our liberal, pluralistic 21st-century society means we can choose our careers, our politics – and we can pick and choose who we want to be spiritually,” explains Dr Mohammad S. Seddon, lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Chester. We’re in an era of the “religious supermarket”, he says.

Joanne Bailey

Solicitor, 30, Bradford

“The first time I wore my hijab into the office, I was so nervous, I stood outside on the phone to my friend for ages going, ‘What on earth is everyone going to say?’ When I walked in, a couple of people asked, ‘Why are you wearing that scarf? I didn’t know you were a Muslim.’
“I’m the last person you’d expect to convert to Islam: I had a very sheltered, working-class upbringing in South Yorkshire. I’d hardly even seen a Muslim before I went to university.
“In my first job at a solicitor’s firm in Barnsley, I remember desperately trying to play the role of the young, single, career woman: obsessively dieting, shopping and going to bars – but I never felt truly comfortable.
“Then one afternoon in 2004 everything changed: I was chatting to a Muslim friend over coffee, when he noticed the little gold crucifix around my neck. He said, ‘Do you believe in God, then?’ I wore it more for fashion than religion and said, ‘No, I don’t think so,’ and he started talking about his faith.
“I brushed him off at first, but his words stuck in my mind. A few days later, I found myself ordering a copy of the Koran on the internet.
“It took me a while to work up the courage to go to a women’s social event run by the Leeds New Muslims group. I remember hovering outside the door thinking, ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ I imagined they would be dressed head-to-toe in black robes: what could I, a 25-year-old, blonde English girl, possibly have in common with them?
“But when I walked in, none of them fitted the stereotype of the oppressed Muslim housewife; they were all doctors, teachers and psychiatrists. I was struck by how content and secure they seemed. It was meeting these women, more than any of the books I read, that convinced me that I wanted to become a Muslim.
“After four years, in March 2008, I made the declaration of faith at a friend’s house. At first, I was anxious that I hadn’t done the right thing, but I soon relaxed into it – a bit like starting a new job.
“A few months later, I sat my parents down and said, ‘I’ve got something to tell you.’ There was a silence and my mum said, ‘You’re going to become Muslim, aren’t you?’ She burst into tears and kept asking things like, ‘What happens when you get married? Do you have to cover up? What about your job?’ I tried to reassure her that I’d still be me, but she was concerned for my welfare.
“Contrary to what most people think, Islam doesn’t oppress me; it lets me be the person that I was all along. Now I’m so much more content and grateful for the things I’ve got. A few months ago, I got engaged to a Muslim solicitor I met on a training course. He has absolutely no problem with my career, but I do agree with the Islamic perspective on the traditional roles for men and women. I want to look after my husband and children, but I also want my independence. I’m proud to be British and I’m proud to be Muslim – and I don’t see them as conflicting in any way.”



Aqeela Lindsay Wheeler

Housewife and mother, 26, Leicester

“As a teenager I thought all religion was pathetic. I used to spend every weekend getting drunk outside the leisure centre, in high-heeled sandals and miniskirts. My view was: what’s the point in putting restrictions on yourself? You only live once.
“At university, I lived the typical student existence, drinking and going clubbing, but I’d always wake up the next morning with a hangover and think, what’s the point?
“It wasn’t until my second year that I met Hussein. I knew he was a Muslim, but we were falling in love, so I brushed the whole issue of religion under the carpet. But six months into our relationship, he told me that being with me was ‘against his faith’.
“I was so confused. That night I sat up all night reading two books on Islam that Hussein had given me. I remember bursting into tears because I was so overwhelmed. I thought, ‘This could be the whole meaning of life.’ But I had a lot of questions: why should I cover my head? Why can’t I eat what I like?
“I started talking to Muslim women at university and they completely changed my view. They were educated, successful – and actually found the headscarf liberating. I was convinced, and three weeks later officially converted to Islam.
“When I told my mum a few weeks later, I don’t think she took it seriously. She made a few comments like, ‘Why would you wear that scarf? You’ve got lovely hair,’ but she didn’t seem to understand what it meant.
“My best friend at university completely turned on me: she couldn’t understand how one week I was out clubbing, and the next I’d given everything up and converted to Islam. She was too close to my old life, so I don’t regret losing her as a friend.
“I chose the name Aqeela because it means ‘sensible and intelligent’ – and that’s what I was aspiring to become when I converted to Islam six years ago. I became a whole new person: everything to do with Lindsay, I’ve erased from my memory.
“The most difficult thing was changing the way I dressed, because I was always so fashion-conscious. The first time I tried on the hijab, I remember sitting in front of the mirror, thinking, ‘What am I doing putting a piece of cloth over my head? I look crazy!’ Now I’d feel naked without it and only occasionally daydream about feeling the wind blow through my hair. Once or twice, I’ve come home and burst into tears because of how frumpy I feel – but that’s just vanity.
“It’s a relief not to feel that pressure any more. Wearing the hijab reminds me that all I need to do is serve God and be humble. I’ve even gone through phases of wearing the niqab [face veil] because I felt it was more appropriate – but it can cause problems, too.
“When people see a white girl wearing a niqab they assume I’ve stuck my fingers up at my own culture to ‘follow a bunch of Asians’. I’ve even had teenage boys shout at me in the street, ‘Get that s*** off your head, you white bastard.’ After the London bombings, I was scared to walk about in the streets for fear of retaliation.
“For the most part, I have a very happy life. I married Hussein and now we have a one-year-old son, Zakir. We try to follow the traditional Muslim roles: I’m foremost a housewife and mother, while he goes out to work. I used to dream of having a successful career as a psychologist, but now it’s not something I desire.
“Becoming a Muslim certainly wasn’t an easy way out. This life can sometimes feel like a prison, with so many rules and restrictions, but we believe that we will be rewarded in the afterlife.”
Catherine Heseltine
Nursery school teacher, 31, North London
“If you’d asked me at the age of 16 if I’d like to become a Muslim, I would have said, ‘No thanks.’ I was quite happy drinking, partying and fitting in with my friends.
“Growing up in North London, we never practised religion at home; I always thought it was slightly old-fashioned and irrelevant. But when I met my future husband, Syed, in the sixth form, he challenged all my preconceptions. He was young, Muslim, believed in God – and yet he was normal. The only difference was that, unlike most teenage boys, he never drank.
“A year later, we were head over heels in love, but we quickly realised: how could we be together if he was a Muslim and I wasn’t?
“Before meeting Syed, I’d never actually questioned what I believed in; I’d just picked up my casual agnosticism through osmosis. So I started reading a few books on Islam out of curiosity.
“In the beginning, the Koran appealed to me on an intellectual level; the emotional and spiritual side didn’t come until later. I loved its explanations of the natural world and discovered that 1,500 years ago, Islam gave women rights that they didn’t have here in the West until relatively recently. It was a revelation.
“Religion wasn’t exactly a ‘cool’ thing to talk about, so for three years I kept my interest in Islam to myself. But in my first year at university, Syed and I decided to get married – and I knew it was time to tell my parents. My mum’s initial reaction was, ‘Couldn’t you just live together first?’ She had concerns about me rushing into marriage and the role of women in Muslim households – but no one realised how seriously I was taking my religious conversion. I remember going out for dinner with my dad and him saying, ‘Go on, have a glass of wine. I won’t tell Syed!’ A lot of people assumed I was only converting to Islam to keep his family happy, not because I believed in it.
“Later that year, we had an enormous Bengali wedding, and moved into a flat together – but I certainly wasn’t chained to the kitchen sink. I didn’t even wear the hijab at all to start with, and wore a bandana or a hat instead.
“I was used to getting a certain amount of attention from guys when I went out to clubs and bars, but I had to let that go. I gradually adopted the Islamic way of thinking: I wanted people to judge me for my intelligence and my character – not for the way I looked. It was empowering.
“I’d never been part of a religious minority before, so that was a big adjustment, but my friends were very accepting. Some of them were a bit shocked: ‘What, no drink, no drugs, no men? I couldn’t do that!’ And it took a while for my male friends at university to remember things like not kissing me hello on the cheek any more. I’d have to say, ‘Sorry, it’s a Muslim thing.’
“Over time, I actually became more religious than my husband. We started growing apart in other ways, too. In the end, I think the responsibility of marriage was too much for him; he became distant and disengaged. After seven years together, I decided to get a divorce.
“When I moved back in with my parents, people were surprised I was still wandering around in a headscarf. But if anything, being on my own strengthened my faith: I began to gain a sense of myself as a Muslim, independent of him.
“Islam has given me a sense of direction and purpose. I’m involved with the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, and lead campaigns against Islamophobia, discrimination against women in mosques, poverty and the situation in Palestine. When people call us ‘extremists’ or ‘the dark underbelly of British politics’, I just think it’s ridiculous. There are a lot of problems in the Muslim community, but when people feel under siege it makes progress even more difficult.
“I still feel very much part of white British society, but I am also a Muslim. It has taken a while to fit those two identities together, but now I feel very confident being who I am. I’m part of both worlds and no one can take that away from me.”

Sukina Douglas

Spoken-word poet, 28, London

“Before I found Islam, my gaze was firmly fixed on Africa. I was raised a Rastafarian and used to have crazy-long dreadlocks: one half blonde and the other half black.
“Then, in 2005, my ex-boyfriend came back from a trip to Africa and announced that he’d converted to Islam. I was furious and told him he was ‘losing his African roots’. Why was he trying to be an Arab? It was so foreign to how I lived my life. Every time I saw a Muslim woman in the street I thought, ‘Why do they have to cover up like that? Aren’t they hot?’ It looked oppressive to me.
“Islam was already in my consciousness, but when I started reading the autobiography of Malcolm X at university, something opened up inside me. One day I said to my best friend, Muneera, ‘I’m falling in love with Islam.’ She laughed and said, ‘Be quiet, Sukina!’ She only started exploring Islam to prove me wrong, but soon enough she started believing it, too.
“I was always passionate about women’s rights; there was no way I would have entered a religion that sought to degrade me. So when I came across a book by a Moroccan feminist, it unravelled all my negative opinions: Islam didn’t oppress women; people did.
“Before I converted, I conducted an experiment. I covered up in a long gypsy skirt and headscarf and went out. But I didn’t feel frumpy; I felt beautiful. I realised, I’m not a sexual commodity for men to lust after; I want to be judged for what I contribute mentally.
“Muneera and I took our shahada [declaration of faith] together a few months later, and I cut my dreadlocks off to represent renewal: it was the beginning of a new life.
“Just three weeks after our conversion, the 7/7 bombings happened; suddenly we were public enemy No 1. I’d never experienced racism in London before, but in the weeks after the bombs, people would throw eggs at me and say, ‘Go back to your own country,’ even though this was my country.
“I’m not trying to shy away from any aspect of who I am. Some people dress in Arabian or Pakistani styles, but I’m British and Caribbean, so my national dress is Primark and Topshop, layered with colourful charity-shop scarves.
“Six months after I converted, I got back together with my ex-boyfriend, and now we’re married. Our roles in the home are different, because we are different people, but he would never try to order me around; that’s not how I was raised.
“Before I found Islam, I was a rebel without a cause, but now I have a purpose in life: I can identify my flaws and work towards becoming a better person. To me, being a Muslim means contributing to your society, no matter where you come from.”


Catherine Huntley

Retail assistant, 21, Bournemouth

“My parents always thought I was abnormal, even before I became a Muslim. In my early teens, they’d find me watching TV on a Friday night and say, ‘What are you doing at home? Haven’t you got any friends to go out with?’
“The truth was: I didn’t like alcohol, I’ve never tried smoking and I wasn’t interested in boys. You’d think they’d have been pleased.
“I’ve always been quite a spiritual person, so when I started studying Islam in my first year of GCSEs, something just clicked. I would spend every lunchtime reading about Islam on the computer. I had peace in my heart and nothing else mattered any more. It was a weird experience – I’d found myself, but the person I found wasn’t like anyone else I knew.
“I’d hardly ever seen a Muslim before, so I didn’t have any preconceptions, but my parents weren’t so open-minded. I hid all my Muslim books and headscarves in a drawer, because I was so scared they’d find out.
“When I told my parents, they were horrified and said, ‘We’ll talk about it when you’re 18.’ But my passion for Islam just grew stronger. I started dressing more modestly and would secretly fast during Ramadan. I got very good at leading a double life until one day, when I was 17, I couldn’t wait any longer.
“I sneaked out of the house, put my hijab in a carrier bag and got on the train to Bournemouth. I must have looked completely crazy putting it on in the train carriage, using a wastebin lid as a mirror. When a couple of old people gave me dirty looks, I didn’t care. For the first time in my life, I felt like myself.
“A week after my conversion, my mum came marching into my room and said, ‘Have you got something to tell me?’ She pulled my certificate of conversion out of her pocket. I think they’d rather have found anything else at that point – drugs, cigarettes, condoms – because at least they could have put it down to teenage rebellion.
“I could see the fear in her eyes. She couldn’t comprehend why I’d want to give up my freedom for the sake of a foreign religion. Why would I want to join all those terrorists and suicide bombers?
“It was hard being a Muslim in my parents’ house. I’ll never forget one evening, there were two women in burkas on the front page of the newspaper, and they started joking, ‘That’ll be Catherine soon.’
“They didn’t like me praying five times a day either; they thought it was ‘obsessive’. I’d pray right in front of my bedroom door so my mum couldn’t walk in, but she would always call upstairs, ‘Catherine, do you want a cup of tea?’ just so I’d have to stop.
“Four years on, my grandad still says things like, ‘Muslim women have to walk three steps behind their husbands.’ It gets me really angry, because that’s the culture, not the religion. My fiancé, whom I met eight months ago, is from Afghanistan and he believes that a Muslim woman is a pearl and her husband is the shell that protects her. I value that old-fashioned way of life: I’m glad that when we get married he’ll take care of paying the bills. I always wanted to be a housewife anyway.
“Marrying an Afghan man was the cherry on the cake for my parents. They think I’m completely crazy now. He’s an accountant and actually speaks better English than I do, but they don’t care. The wedding will be in a mosque, so I don’t think they’ll come. It hurts to think I’ll never have that fairytale wedding, surrounded by my family. But I hope my new life with my husband will be a lot happier. I’ll create the home I’ve always wanted, without having to feel the pain of people judging me.”

آلاف البريطانيات الشابات يعتنقن الإسلام

قالت ذي تايمز إن آلاف الشابات البريطانيات اللاتي يعشن في المملكة المتحدة قررن اعتناق الدين الإسلامي، وذلك في خضم الجدل الدائر الآن في أوروبا حول حظر ارتداء البرقع.
وأضافت الصحيفة التي تصدر من لندن، في تقرير لها اليوم السبت، أن أعداد المهتديات إلى الإسلام في ازدياد، في وقت تقل فيه نسبة الذين يؤدون الصلوات كل أسبوع في كنيسة إنجلترا عن 2% من السكان.
وتشكل النسوة اللاتي يؤدين الصلاة بمسجد لندن المركزي في حي ريجنتس بارك نحو ثلثي المسلمين الجدد تقريباً ممن نطقوا بالشهادتين, أعمار معظمهن تقل عن ثلاثين عاما.
وتشير الإحصائيات التي تتناول أعداد من بدَّلوا دينهم، كما ورد في التعداد السكاني لعام 2001 بالمملكة المتحدة, إلى أن ما لا يقل عن ثلاثين ألف بريطاني اعتنقوا الإسلام.
ويرى كفين برايس، من مركز دراسات سياسة الهجرة بجامعة سوانسي، أن هذا العدد ربما يقارب الآن خمسين ألف شخص أغلبهم من النساء.
وتؤكد التحليلات الأساسية لتلك البيانات أن أعداد الفتيات المتعلمات تعليما جامعيا، واللاتي تتراوح أعمارهم بين العشرينات والثلاثينات، هن أكثر اعتناقا للإسلام.

قصة إسلام جوان

وروت إحدى المهتديات واسمها جوان بيلي قصة اعتناقها الإسلام لصحيفة ذي تايمز.
تقول جوان, وهي محامية من برادفورد تبلغ من العمر ثلاثين عاما, إنه ما من أحد كان يتوقع لها أن تدخل في الإسلام. فقد نشأت وترعرعت في أسرة من الطبقة العاملة ميسورة الحال في منطقة جنوب يوركشاير, حيث بالكاد شاهدت مسلما قبل التحاقها بالجامعة.
وكانت أول وظيفة حصلت عليها في مكتب محاماة بمدينة بارنزلي جنوب يوركشاير.
وفي ظهيرة أحد الأيام عام 2004 تغَّير كل شيء في حياة جوان. ففي ذلك اليوم بينما كانت تحتسي القهوة برفقة صديق مسلم كان يتجاذب معها أطراف الحديث, لاحظ ذلك الصديق صليبا ذهبيا صغيرا يتدلى من عنقها فسألها "هل تؤمنين بالمسيح إلهاً؟".
ولما كانت ترتدي الصليب -كما تقول- من باب الموضة أكثر منه لأسباب دينية، فقد أجابت عن السؤال بأنها لا تظن أنها تؤمن بذلك, ثم بدأ صديقها يُحدثها عن دينه.
وتضيف قائلة إنها استخفت في بادئ الأمر بكلام الصديق, لكن كلماته "استقرت في عقلي، وبعد بضعة أيام, وجدت نفسي أطلب على الإنترنت نسخة من المصحف الشريف".
واستطردت جوان "واستغرق الأمر مني هنيهة كي أستجمع قواي فذهبت إلى إحدى الفعاليات الاجتماعية النسوية التي تنظمها جمعية المسلمين الجدد بمدينة ليدز، وأذكر أنني كنت أحوم حول باب الجمعية وأسأل نفسي: ماذا تفعلين هنا بحق السماء؟".
وتضيف "تخيلت أن النسوة في هذا المكان سيكن مرتديات ملابس تغطي أجسامهن من قمة الرأس إلى أخمص القدمين. وتساءلت: ما هو الشيء المشترك الذي يجمع إنجليزية شقراء في الخامسة والعشرين من عمرها بهؤلاء؟".
وتمضي قائلة "لكن عندما دخلت لم تكن أي من تلك النسوة تشبه تلك الصورة النمطية عن الزوجات المسلمات المقهورات، فجميعهن طبيبات ومدرسات وأخصائيات نفسيات، وذُهلت مما بدا عليهن من سكينة وطمأنينة وراحة بال".
ثم أقرت المهتدية الجديدة بأن لقاءها بأولئك النسوة هو الذي أقنعها بأن تصبح مسلمة أكثر من أي كتاب قرأته.
وواصلت جوان رواية قصتها فقالت "بعد أربع سنوات أي في مارس/ آذار 2008 نطقت بالشهادتين في منزل أحد الأصدقاء".
وتابعت "وعكس ما يظن معظم الناس, فإن الإسلام لا يضطهدني, بل يسمح لي بأن أكون ذات الشخص الذي كنته، وأنا الآن مطمئنة البال أكثر من أي وقت، وممتنة لما حصلت عليه".

بعض النصائح عند شراء العطور


اولا بعض افضل ماركات العطور كما في الصورة التالية

ثانيا كيف تعرف الفرق بين العطور‏

البعض منا يشتري عطر ويتشكى ويقول مو ثابت .. غاشينا
يا زين عطورات الخارج
والسالفة ومافيها اننا ما نفهم وش العطورات المركزة من العطورات الخفيفة
اولا أسم العطر
الجمعة، يوليو 01، 2011

جيل جديد من الطابعات التي تعمل بدون حبر




طابعات من دون حبر هذا هو الجيل الجديد من الطابعات Printer التي تعتمد على نوع من الورق يعتمد على تقنية Zero Ink من شركة Zink حيث يحتوي الورق الذي تقوم الشركة بإنتاجه على مواد خاصة تتلون بدرجات خاصة حسب تعرضها للحرارة دون الحاجة إلى حبر هذا وقد بدأت كبرى الشركات سباق انتاج هذه الطابعات بأسعار زهيدة  تبدأ من 39$ يمكنك ان تجدها بسهولة في المتاجر الالكترونية المنتشرة على الشبكة العنكبوتية  مثل شركة Polaroid وشركة Dell وشركة zink  والنصيحة التي اوجها لزواري اذا اردت اقتناء هذه الطابعة فعليك ايظا ان تفكر في اقتناء الكثير من الورق الخاص بهذا الطابعة لأنك لن تستفيد من هذه الطابعة بدون وجود هذا الورق الخاص واخيرا رابط بيع الورق والطابعة على امازون Amazon ايظا يمكنك البحث ومعرفة المزيد عن هذه الطابعة تحت عبارة (Printer Zero Ink).